Ambassadors for Hope Foundation

Save the Children


Knowledge will bring you the
opportunity to make a difference.

Save the Children

Give a Helping Hand to
those who need it!

Something About Us

Ambassadors for Hope is a talented network of colleagues with the sole purpose of strengthening Africa’s future generation with Education, Quality Health, and Technology to the poor masses.

Our Mission is to provide information, resources and help to strengthen Africa's future generation impacted by economic hardship. As a charitable organization, comprised of various network participants, we value a positive attitude, advocacy, education and passion to serve our future generation of children in Africa. We are committed to providing Education, Quality Health and Technology to the masses in the poor areas. Since education is the key to success and knowledge is power, we are committed to ending poor Education, poor Health and lack of Technology which affect our continent by providing our future generation the necessary resources to empower communities to be the change we all wish to see.

Who we are ? Organization You Can Trust

We Help and turn tears to smiles.

Ambassadors for Hope’s mission is to strengthen Africa’s Education, Health and bring Technology to the masses by building Sustainable Facilities.

Our Projects

Our charity helps those people who have no hope

Health Care